Wednesday 26 June 2013


"Hi Kevin
wow relly good job on that drawling of me. I relly lick it a lot. the best part about it is the rays of heeaven coming off of my back. it makes me look like jesus wich is accurate because we are a lot alick.  thank u kevin. bye. 
This is from Kevin, who is 20 and from California, where it is now legal for gay people to get married (yay)!
"I did this awhile back, and this was the best way to get you to see it :)"

Sunday 23 June 2013


"Dear Kayla,
I dont appreciate cheeters.  you are a cheeter.  I know this is not a good drawing of me because i NEVER would eat that kind of cracker. it is disgusting. so just saying it was rude of you to say that i would eat that kind of cracker.  other then that it is a relly good pictchur you drew. no offense.
Kayla is 19 and from Florida! She has this to say about her work:
"i saw this an thought of u. i hope u like cheese itz because i drew you eating one. theyre yummy and sew r u. please tell em wut u think of my art."

Thursday 20 June 2013


"hi jonothan. 
thank you 4 drawling me. you did a relly amazin job!  i have 1 suggestion.  you made me in black and white and this isn't the 90's anymore.  time to do things in color.  God made things in color for a reason.  he was sick of black and white. just like me. so next time u shuld use color.  anyway maybe i will meet you one day if i ever go to scotland but prolly not.
"I am a 17 year old art student in Scotland and a HUGGEEEE Mirfanda!
This was drawn in fine black pen and a Sharpie because I think it resembles your bold brave personality and how you stand out from the crowd 
Love, Jonathon xo"

Saturday 15 June 2013


You did a grate job drawling me.  you are really good at drawling. i can see it. but i have to say something no offense.  you made me look fat and that is really offensive no offense.  jus saying. so dont do that ever again or ELSE. 
I love you. but i love me more.
"Hey miranda,
its me claire.  This is my artwork that i drew freehanded. I'm 12 so, i'm not totally experienced  but you are so good at singing, dancing, modeling and everything. I am your #1 mirfanda.
claire albany,NY"
Do you have work that you'd like to submit to the Mirfanda Art Blog? Send it in to with your name, age and country, plus some words on your work and love for Miranda! Every submission is guaranteed to get featured with a critique from Miranda Sings herself! 

Wednesday 12 June 2013


"Dear Raj,
what a beautoful picture of me. you did a relly great good jonb thank u.  the one thing that relly bothers me is that you gave me nose peircings on both sides. i dont have nose percings because that is sinful and bad. so  just saying.  Other then that i look so pritty. i can tell cuz i see it. i love it. i love me. i love myself.
Raj, who is 17 and from Illinois, sent this drawing in! Here's his words on the work:
"Hi Miranda! My name Raj. I am 17 years old, and a true mirfanda. Illinois, is the state that I live in. In my art, I have drawn you (Miranda) sitting on your sofa. I hope you like it, because I truly put all of my effort into making it. Miranda is amazing, and she is the most hilarious person in the entire world. Your videos make me laugh, and there has not been a single one of your video that has not made me laugh yet.
Keep up the good work,

Saturday 8 June 2013


"Hi Valeria,
you did not try very hard with this pitchur. I can tell u didnt even try it is botherin me. also, i dont like that it is only green. i have more colors on my skin then that. but its really a beautiful drawling other then all that stuff. so stop. just saying. i love you very much. 
Thanks to Valeria for her sassy drawing! She's twelve years old and has this to say about her artwork:
"Mirandaaa!!! You are my idol and i wish to be just like you!!!!! Please keep making videos!! this is my pic i just drew of you miranda sorry if its sloppy"

Saturday 1 June 2013


"hi meghan
thanks 4 drawling this picture of me. i look relly pretty in it. it looks just like me but a little like my uncle so its relly acurate. I can also tell u are from pennsilvania because you told me.  
This detailed image was created by Meghan Gubicza, a 19 year-old from Pennsylvania in the United States of America!
"Dear Miranda,
You are my hero. I idolize you in every way. Your videos make me so happy. Me and my friend (shout out to my girl Hunter) watch you religiously. I hope you love this drawing! It was hard to capture your amazing beauty but I tried my best!! LOVE YA!"