Saturday 20 July 2013


"Dear Andrej and Anja,
no offense but that is not a drawling. this is suppos to be a art blog where u paint or draw or sculture or yarn.  not a pitchur.  so you are cheating no offense.  but ever after i said that, i will tell u that u look relly pritty.  no offense.

This beautiful impression is by Anja (13), sent in by her brother Andrej (16)! Remember that even if Miranda thinks it is cheating, you can send in anything creative and Miranda-inspired to the fan art blog! Here's what Andrej has to say about Miranda:

"Miranda is our inspiration we are watching all her vlogs and music videos every single Monday and Thursday. She's really the best we even made a cover of her Starships cover. She liked it on youtube. But the problem is that our channel got deleted due to copy right problems :/ anyways that is why is Miranda our inspiration everyday."

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